Wednesday 9 February 2022


 .. have those times when you are in and out of the house so much that... you begin to wonder, if you are attached to a piece of elastic ? PHEW! It has been one of those here x

Not to worry x

During the time the family were isolating I got some more of the toys crossed off the grand childrens lists .

They now have a polar bear..

An elephant...

AND a hippo..

Just because I dont have a long enough list daughters best friend has a little boy who LOVES tigers ... SO..

NOW he has a new tiger x 

I am going to ATTEMPT to have a day at home tomorrow... fingers crossed x.. I might even find time to craft ! I will be out in the evening as Sandbach Quilt group meeting ... is ON for February x

Stay safe 

Diane x


loulee said...

You have been busy, for someone who is in and out so much.
I must admit some days I feel like I live in a weather house too.

kiwikid said...

Your crochet hook must be smoking!! Wonderful animals for the boys and for your daughters friend. Hope you get a day at home soon. Enjoy the quilters catch up. said...

Yes, sometimes I feel like a piece of elastic too! I hope you do get stay in today and that you get to craft! The menagerie is sure terrific!