Wednesday 31 August 2022


 …feeling that you are just in the mood to get “stuff” done? Well I woke up with that today x

By 9.00 I had changed the bed , got the washed bedding on the line, watered all the pots and was taking these…

… out of the oven x Sorry all eaten now … big and little kids in this house LOVE home backing x

THEN… this..

… came in the post x WELL that put a stop to the work!!!! lol

Hope you are all staying safe 

Diane x

Sunday 14 August 2022


 ..of year when the new school uniform has been bought…

…and SOMEONE has to sew on the labels…..

I am doing a few each day to TRY and make it less of a chore . There was quite a bit of  under the breath muttering going on … mostly related to the number of items THEN I realised that next year at this time there will be a new member of the school community when the youngest grandson starts …… and that means TWICE  AS MANY items and labels! SO I am now enjoying there not being so many! lol

I managed to get a third pot to use around the last drain pipe..

and potted it up..

The heatwave found us …. despite our effort to hide! PHEW !

Stay safe x

Diane x

Monday 8 August 2022


 ..UK there has been a heatwave ….  In the south. There have been warnings and health awareness notices. Here in Cheshire, and other points north ,we had …. THREE days of heat and then THREE WEEKS of rain ! Hey-Ho x  mind you it is lovely today x

However back to what I have been doing in the garden, ….between rain storms that is x

As we come onto the drive … past the new Alpine, rockery…. the drive way continues past the back of our house and becomes our neighbours drive. This is a “dead” area for us, just about the only time we go out there is to bring the bins in and out. HOWEVER we do se it every time we drive in. SO I bought some of these…

I love them! Whoever developed them gets my vote for a special medal x lol x

I have 2 in place at present with lavender…. And as this area gets whatever sun there is they are LOVING it ….. and the smell is wonderful x

These are the 2 pots on the corner 

More  garden adventures soon. X 

Stay safe

Diane x

Tuesday 2 August 2022


 … been off line I have spent quite a bit of time in the garden. Well, that is we have begun to turn the field around the house INTO a garden.

As we come through the front gate there is an area that is dry and sloping…. Ideal for alpines and rockery plants. SO, I set my minions (daughter and son-in-law) to work digging out weeds and rubble … they did a wonderful job ,including moving weeds,rubble,ivy and 2 rolls of barbed wire! They also found the remains of an old wall .

THEN  it was over to me to visit the garden centre to “find” some plants …. Let’s be honest …it was NOT a chore ! lol

 This is how it is looking today….

I need to get some more gravel to discourage the grass and weeds and some edging stones, , I am very happy with how it is coming along.

AND … it looks a LOT better when we turn into the gate.

More adventures in gardening soon.

Stay safe
