Wednesday 30 April 2014


... I live in a Victorian terrace ..  my back garden was the "yard" and so is enclosed by walls on all sides x NOW... this means the heat of the sun is retained ... the plants (and weeds!) LOVE it ... in winter I am protected to a certain degree from frost .... HOWEVER.. these same wall hide the homes of these...

THE ENEMY ... (and the slugs but I cannot face going hunting to find some to photograph!)

I was listening to a programme on the radio and an "expert" stated that snails DO NOT like to cross grit and jagged areas!! All I did was walk out and take the picture! NO hunting required!!

I  need to "invite the expert" for a visit I think!!


Diane x


Julie Fukuda said...

I save crushed egg shells and sprinkle those among my flowers ... especially the ones most likely to be eaten by slugs and snails.

Sue Wild said...

Yep, we get a lot of slugs and snails, unfortunately they get to plants and chomp their way through daffs and now the irises. Our garden is supposed to be in the path of frogs crossing to get to the local pond, but if frogs are crossing they aren't making much impression on the slugs!

Ali Honey said...

Here , because I have a big lawn I just pick the slugs or snails I see up, drop them on the lawn apply my foot and leave them for the birds to find.
Thrush and sparrows really like them.
Possibly you could collect them in a jar and when you have lots take them to a park or grassed area and do the same?

Janet said...

No slugs or snails here. So from a distance I can say "aren't they cute little critters."

kiwikid said...

You could also try a container of beer, they are supposed to like it and get go in to drink and drown. Take away food containers dug in to the garden are good, just pick up the results and in the bin!
Good luck!!

Maggi said...

I can't bear slugs and snails don't rank high on my favourites list either. None of them seem to have read the opinions of the so-called experts as far as the ones in my garden are concerned.

Debra said...

I give snails "flying lessons"

I also sprinkle our used coffee grounds around my vegies etc.

Luckily don't have lots ofsnail, except in the mailbox! Those are the ones that are learning to fly.

Deb xxx

Benta AtSLIKstitches said...

Yuck to slugs and snails - and experts!