Monday 10 January 2022

I Do Not ..

 .. know if it is a result of years of getting up early to go to work , being retired, or just getting older BUT, I am usually awake ( not necessarily up and about !)  by 6.30. Now this works quite well with a 3 year old in the house .. who is also an early riser x If we get up together it allows his mum and brother .. who are NOT early birds .. to have a little longer to sleep x

This morning he announced that we are .. going to make cakes..

THAT is the reason why, by 08.00 the washer was finishing its cycle, dinner was in the slow cooker, and he was "cleaning" the bowl.. 

.. and in no time we had these cooling..

He has now gone to his swimming lesson and I have some time to BREATHE x

Hope you are having a good day with time to breathe x

Diane x

3 comments: said...

What a special grandma you are! Baking cakes because it was on a special person's agenda! Love it!! I hope you found some time to stitch since dinner was already cooking!

Maria said...

It is special to spend the time together baking those delicious cakes 🧁…. And you did have time to breathe when the 3 yr old went swimming 😀

kiwikid said...

Wow!! So much done by 8am!! You are a wonderful grandma to be doing fun things with him.